A door is an entrance with four visible sides.  

A door is a pivoted tether to the foreground. 

A door appears in the foreground as a portal. 

A second door appears in the foreground as a portal.

An unidentified object enters each door synchronously.

A single unidentified object appears in the foreground.

Is a door simply a square or is it spherical? 

Is a door collateral happenstance to shut events?

Is potentiality of a door a signal to stable events? 

Is the result of one door opening equal to another door? 

Is an object-entrance in one door the same in another door? 

If two objects enter and one exits, is it the same object? 

Subject-entrance into foreground: an inescapable exposure of an individual, an object, and other material or immaterial matter to a light-actuated subsector of a curved bi-dimensional surface. Perception values an appreciation of a grounded mindset to worldly things until all the matter in a moment becomes scattered. Incomplete values impress new entrances into closed doors until introduced collisions evaporate. All that is left is the subject, the setting, the time, and the light.

Space is a plaited web of granular vibrations linked at the meeting place of emptiness and emptiness. Whistling steam. Shimmering accordance of subjectivity set on a middle landscape is an archetypal configuration of disembodied sensory experience. The effect of light on unidentified foreground objects conjures linkable plots for the viewer to map entrances and exits in a single setting. Unlinked tethering of matter and emptiness scaffold, build, plateau until the illusion of a foreground persists.

In a single setting: waving platform challenger initiatives frees optional flows. Settling presence(s). Churning ephemerality to a singular, physical occupation of multiple recurring fields. How does an unidentified foreground object return to a present state? Through two entrances in one light beam. Point-slivers corner the abstraction of reality. Deconstructing macro-representation to a lone bit—a residue of simplicity untangling, isolating, and opening until it is only noticed as a reduction of now.

Chronotropic space is unveiled. Present is unified conglomerate of dissipating parts, vessels, sums. Framing time atypically—as sentiment of still unidentified foreground object, dissolved now to a minor reduction of its own abstraction. Material stability wanes unclear wave nature: light. Sphere mists calculated gradient. Illusory dual on an indivisible floor—wave-particle behavior pastiche for all material. In lakes, on cliffs, a strange matter of the foreground lowers to a desirable tinge of now.

light is a corner

          if, one door is two

A number of fallible digits

Light is

         if one door is a corner

Waving particles beam softly

     scoring-methods, two doors

stagnant moving images

            A circle

retain unidentifiable objects                On singular plains

There are two doors 


          two lights

for one particle 


if succumbed to chance 

management of source

Light is 

           no uncontrollable force 

scattering-particles, one door 

When a

door reappears as a circle 

If one door all light is a door

wavering radiance as source

All objects disseminate permanence

To become unidentifiable

light is 

an unmanageable source

infallible in stasis 

like chrome reflections
